Thank you volunteers!
Many thanks to our volunteers Jill Dean and Amy Lettice for putting together a beautiful "Griller's Delight" basket for the LWPTSA scholarship program's fundraiser. Each year PTSAs in our district donate themed baskets which are auctioned in the first week of December to help support scholarships for graduating LWSD seniors. Putting together RHMS PTSA's basket is just one way you can volunteer. If you would like more information about RHMS PTSA volunteer opportunities, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Andrea Knott at


Matching your donations

Did you donate to PTSA's Pass the Hat fundraiser and/or to the ASB's Fun Run fundraiser this year? Does your employer match the charitable donations of its employees? If you answered yes to both questions, then please remember to complete the necessary paperwork with your employer to ensure that PTSA and ASB receives the matching dollars. You will need to match the donations to RHMS PTSA 2.8.85 and RHMS ASB in two separate matching requests because PTSA and ASB are two separate organizations. If you have questions about ASB donations please contact If you have questions about or need a receipt for, PTSA donations, please contact